Individual, Relationship, and Family Therapist in Houston, Texas
Social media loves to popularize therapy and psychology terms, but often mixes up meanings. Depending on what you’ve read and watched, you might have the wrong impression about different important mental health concepts. Today we’ll look at the term “intrusive thoughts” and what it actually means! Social media trends incorrectly call random socially…
You might wonder what therapy is like if you’ve never been, or you have been in the past but aren’t sure if what you experienced is “normal.” You might even wonder who therapy is “for” and how bad an issue gets before people should look for support. Any time is…
It’s time to make some better resolutions. You’ve probably read so many articles already on how to make better goals and keep your resolutions. Break them down into smaller chunks! Write them down! Share them with others for accountability! And all of those are very helpful things to do. The…
I found a guide on the internet on how to succeed in absolutely anything when I was a teenager. The guide prompted me through identifying, setting, and planning out goals that would fulfill me as an individual. I don’t remember what I searched for to find it or why I was looking.…
If you’ve lived a good portion of your life in survival mode, you might not be sure what exactly stress and de-stressing look like. You might not even be sure what the words functionally mean. You tell people everything you’ve been doing for the past x amount of time and…
“Mindfulness” is one of the latest mental health terms that has been co-opted and misappropriated by our society of trends. Mindfulness allegedly now has something to do with coloring books and a mythical state of letting everything go and being really super calm all the time. While attempting to guide…