Individual, Relationship, and Family Therapist in Houston, Texas
It feels like a pressing ethical requirement to stay informed, especially in an age where oppression and exploitation are quickly communicated to us through the internet. Many people who would not have known about the plight of less privileged groups are now aware of their struggles, as well as of…
Let’s be honest: it’s really easy to hate everything and everyone when you’re tired, hungry, and haven’t been taking care of yourself. Our bodies start shutting out everything and everyone in efforts to get us to focus on whatever that need is. We don’t always interpret these signs, though: suddenly…
There are times when you try as hard as you can, but you just can’t think positively. You see people making lists of things they’re grateful for. You hear that, especially when you’re going through depression or heavy self-criticism, thinking positive thoughts instead will help. Saying nice things to yourself…
You wake up in the morning with an overwhelming sense of dread. You weigh how long you can put off the day’s activities. You begin to bargain with what you can avoid and what you cannot. You start to do the math: how much do you make an hour? How…
Our minds can be a personal prison sometimes, locking us in and berating us for everything we “should” or “could” have done differently but didn’t. And sometimes it locks us in and plays looping video of events we might not have had control over, but that we can’t help but…