What Therapy is Like
You might wonder what therapy is like if you’ve never been, or you have been in the past but aren’t sure if what you experienced is “normal.” You might even wonder who therapy is “for” and how bad an issue gets before people should look for support. Any time is…
Prioritize Your Needs & Stop Hating Everything
Let’s be honest: it’s really easy to hate everything and everyone when you’re tired, hungry, and haven’t been taking care of yourself. Our bodies start shutting out everything and everyone in efforts to get us to focus on whatever that need is. We don’t always interpret these signs, though: suddenly…
Better Mindset for Better Resolutions
It’s time to make some better resolutions. You’ve probably read so many articles already on how to make better goals and keep your resolutions. Break them down into smaller chunks! Write them down! Share them with others for accountability! And all of those are very helpful things to do. The…
When You Can’t Think Positively
There are times when you try as hard as you can, but you just can’t think positively. You see people making lists of things they’re grateful for. You hear that, especially when you’re going through depression or heavy self-criticism, thinking positive thoughts instead will help. Saying nice things to yourself…
Succeed in Anything
I found a guide on the internet on how to succeed in absolutely anything when I was a teenager. The guide prompted me through identifying, setting, and planning out goals that would fulfill me as an individual. I don’t remember what I searched for to find it or why I was looking.…
Stress and Survival Mode
If you’ve lived a good portion of your life in survival mode, you might not be sure what exactly stress and de-stressing look like. You might not even be sure what the words functionally mean. You tell people everything you’ve been doing for the past x amount of time and…
The Mental Torture of OCD
When you think of OCD, or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, what comes to mind? Maybe someone who needs to wash their hands over and over? Or that person you work with who says “I’m so OCD” because they like to organize their desks? We have a lot of ideas of what we…
Anxiety is a Parrot
The constant chatter of anxious thoughts and feelings is frustrating and exhausting. Sometimes it feels like the harder you fight it, the louder and messier it gets! What gives? How do you make it just be quiet already? One of the ways I understand anxiety is that it is a…